Estimates of past precipitation are of broad interest for many areas o
f inquiry, including reconstructions of past environments and topograp
hy, climate modeling, and ocean circulation studies. The shapes and si
zes of living leaves are highly sensitive to moisture conditions, and
assemblages of fossil leaves of flowering plants have great potential
as paleoprecipitation indicators. Most quantitative estimates of paleo
precipitation have been based on a multivariate data set of morphologi
cal leaf characters measured from samples of living vegetation tied to
climate stations. However, when tested on extant forests, this method
has consistently overestimated precipitation. We present a simpler ap
proach that uses only the mean leaf area of a vegetation sample as a p
redictor variable but incorporates a broad range of annual precipitati
on and geographic coverage into the predictor set. The significant rel
ationship that results, in addition to having value for paleoclimatic
reconstruction, refines understanding of the long-observed positive re
lationship between leaf area and precipitation. Seven precipitation es
timates for the Eocene of the Western United States are revised as low
er than previously published but remain far wetter than the same areas
today. Abundant moisture may have been an important factor in maintai
ning warm, frost-free conditions in the Eocene because of the major ro
le of water vapor in retaining and transporting atmospheric heat.