Thermodynamics has always been a remarkable science in that it studies
macroscopic properties that are only partially determined by the prop
erties of individual molecules. Entropy and free energy only exist in
constellations of more than a single molecule (degree of freedom). The
y are the so-called emergent properties. Tendency towards increased en
tropy is an essential determinant for the behaviour of ideal gas mixtu
res, showing that even in the simplest physical/chemical systems, (dys
)organisation of components is crucial for the behaviour of systems. T
his presentation aims at illustrating the thesis that the aforesaid ho
lds a fortiori for the living cell: Much of the essence of the live st
ate depends more on the manner in which the molecules are organised th
an on the properties of single molecules. This is due to the phenomeno
n of 'Complexity'. BioComplexity is defined here as the phenomenon tha
t the behaviour of two functionally interacting biological components
(molecules, protein domains, pathways, organelles) differs from the be
haviour these components would exhibit in isolation from one another,
where the difference should be essential for the maintenance and growt
h of the living state, For a true understanding of this BioComplexity,
modem thermodynamic concepts and methods (nonequilibrium thermodynami
cs, metabolic and hierarchical control analysis) will be needed. We sh
all propose to redefine nonequilibrium thermodynamics as: The science
that aims at understanding the behaviour of nonequilibrium systems by
taking into account both the molecular properties and the emergent pro
perties that are due to (dys)organisation. This redefinition will free
nonequilibrium thermodynamics from the limitations imposed by earlier
near-equilibrium assumptions, resolve the duality with kinetics, and
bridge the apparent gap with metabolic control analysis. Subsequently,
the complexity of the control of the energy metabolism of E. coli wil
l be analysed in detail. New control theorems will be derived for newl
y defined control coefficients. It will become transparent that molecu
lar genetic experimentation will allow one to penetrate into the mecha
nisms of the complex regulation of energy metabolism. (C) 1998 Elsevie
r Science B.V.