The improved confinement regime known as the H-mode is often perturbed
by the onset of a quasi-periodic series of relaxation oscillations in
volving bursts of MHD activity and D-alpha emission, known as edge loc
alized modes (ELMs). These result in rapid losses of particles and ene
rgy from the region near the plasma boundary, reducing the average glo
bal energy confinement by 10-20%. Furthermore, these transient bursts
of energy and particles into the scrape-off layer produce high peak he
at loads on the divertor plates which must be accommodated by the dive
rtor design. However, the ELMs are efficient, and beneficial, in remov
ing density and impurities. Thus they are deemed necessary for the sta
tionary H-mode operation of ITER, preventing the build-up of density,
impurities and helium ash. It is, therefore, desirable to be able to c
ontrol the level and nature of the ELM activity in order to meet these
various conflicting conditions; this would be aided by understanding
their cause. After briefly describing the phenomenology of ELMs, vario
us theoretical models that have been proposed to explain them are disc
ussed. These fall into three broad classes. Since ELMs are accompanied
by bursts of magnetic activity, the first class of models involves th
e excitation of various MHD instabilities: ideal and resistive balloon
ing modes, external kink modes and so-called 'peeling modes'. Such mod
els envisage the application of auxiliary heating driving the equilibr
ium to a state which triggers some such instability, resulting in the
loss of plasma, followed by a recovery stage until the cycle is repeat
ed. The second class of models involves limit cycle solutions of the t
ransport equations governing the plasma edge region, exploiting the bi
furcations inherent in theories of the GH transition, for example thos
e involving sheared rotation stabilization. In the third class, elemen
ts of both types of theory have been combined, with MHD or pressure-dr
iven fluctuation transport playing a role.