Risk factors for mortality of young children with cerebral palsy were
studied using a sample of 12,709 children aged 0.5-3.5 years with cere
bral palsy who had received services from the State of California betw
een 1980 and 1995. The most powerful prognostic factors for survival w
ere simple functional items: mobility and feeding skills. Once these w
ere known, factors such as severity of mental retardation and presence
of quadriplegia contributed relatively little. Children with fair mot
or and eating skills had good survival prospects, with 90% or more rea
ching adulthood, but those without such skills had much poorer prospec
ts. Among children who were unable to lift their heads, median surviva
l time was 7 additional years for those who were tube fed (n = 557) an
d 14 years for those fed entirely by others (n = 997). Although a chil
d's approximate survival chances can be assessed from such functional
classifications, we indicate the manner in which additional informatio
n on the child's condition can be used to obtain more accurate surviva
l data. (C) 1998 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.