Light-induced chloroplast differentiation in potato (Solanum tuberosum
L. cv. Istra) was studied in cultures of adventitious roots originall
y induced in vitro on nodal plant segments, and of hairy roots transfo
rmed with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, mannopine-type, strain 8196. Red f
luorescence, due to chlorophyll accumulation, was first observed, in h
airy roots after 2-3 days of light exposure and several days later in
cultured normal roots. In both cases, the concentrations of chlorophyl
l and carotenoids then increased gradually. As evidenced by electron m
icrographs, the chloroplasts developed from leucoplasts via a sequence
of leuco-chloroplasts, DAB (diaminobenzidine) positive thylakoids fir
st appeared in leuco-chloroplasts indicating the beginning of photosyn
thetic activity. The photosynthetic activity of green hairy roots was
higher than that of green non-transformed roots. In non-transformed po
tato roots, BA stimulated while IAA and GA(3) inhibited light-induced
pigment accumulation.