E. Susser et al., HUMAN-IMMUNODEFICIENCY-VIRUS SEXUAL RISK REDUCTION IN HOMELESS MEN WITH MENTAL-ILLNESS, Archives of general psychiatry, 55(3), 1998, pp. 266-272
Background: The spread of human immunodeficiency virus infection to im
paired groups has intensified the challenge for its prevention; contro
l of the epidemic now requires behavioral change among persons with li
mited ability to sustain attention and learn. In this randomized clini
cal trial, we tested an intervention to reduce sexual risk behaviors a
mong homeless men with severe mental illness. Methods: Men were recrui
ted from a psychiatric program in a homeless shelter. Of 116 eligible
men, 97 (83.6%) participated. Most were African American and had a chr
onic psychotic disorder and a comorbid substance use disorder. Partici
pants were assigned to a 15-session experimental group intervention or
to a 2-session control intervention and observed for 18 months. The 5
9 participants sexually active before the trial were the main target o
f the intervention. Sexual risk behavior was the primary outcome. Resu
lts: Among the 59 sexually active men, follow-up data were obtained on
59 (100%) for the initial 6-moonth follow-up and on 56 (95%) for the
remainder of the 18-month follow-up. The mean score on a sexual risk i
ndex for the experimental group was 3 times lower than for the control
group (1.0 vs 3.1; P=.01) during the initial 6-month follow-up and 2
times lower during the remainder of the 18-month follow-up. Conclusion
s: This intervention successfully reduced sexual risk behaviors of hom
eless men with mental illness. The effect diminished over 18 months bu
t did not disappear. Similar approaches may be effective in other impa
ired high-risk groups.