Fusion fuel of D-He-3 combines a high-energy yield per fusion reaction
with a relatively high fusion cross section. Moreover ifs nuclear rea
ction (D + He-3 --> p + alpha, 18.3 MeV) minimizes neutrons and maximi
zes charged fusion products, enabling increased energy recovery effici
ency by direct conversion. However, scarcer He-3 terrestrial resources
have deterred research and development on this alternative. Productio
n of 3He through inertial electrostatic confinement breeders, which su
pply 3He to field-revet sed-configuration reactors (called satellites
in reference to their dependence on the breeder) if explored. The bree
der-satellite system is analyzed in terms of both energy balance and e
conomics. The energy balance takes the net energy gain of the global s
ystem as the key parameter. The economic study determines the competit
iveness of breeding with respect to 3He lunar mining, which was alread
y shown to be an ultimately attractive route! for commercial developme