The clinical differentiation between typical idiopathic Parkinson's di
sease (IPD) and atypical parkinsonian dis orders (APD) is complicated
by the presence of signs and symptoms common to both forms of parkinso
nism, Metabolic brain imaging with [F-18]fluoradeoxgglucose (FDG) and
positron emission tomography (PET) may be a useful adjunct in differen
tiating APD from IPD. To explore this possibility. we studied 48 parki
nsonian patients suspected as having possible APD because of a deterio
rating response to dopaminergic treatment, the development of autonomi
c dysfunction, or both, A group of 56 patients with likely LPI) served
as control subjects. We used quantitative FDG/PET to measure regional
rates of cerebral glucose use in IPD and APD patients, We used discri
minant analysis to categorize IPD and APD patients based on their regi
onal metabolic data. We found that a linear combination of caudate, le
ntiform, and thalamic values accurately discriminated APD from TPD pat
ients (p < 0.0001), Significant metabolic abnormalities were present i
n the striatum and the thalamus of 36 of 48 (75%) APD patients. Our fi
ndings show that measurements of regional glucose metabolism can be us
ed to discriminate patients with suspected APD from their counterparts
with classic IPD. FDG/PET may be a useful adjunct to the clinical exa
mination in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonism.