Protocols with demonstrated reliability have been established for the
diagnosis of numerous movement disorders, whereas in the essential tre
mor (ET) literature, there is no discussion about the reliability of d
iagnostic protocols. Lack of knowledge of the reliability of diagnosti
c protocols in ET limits the use of these protocols because reliabilit
y is an essential requirement for scientific quality in data managemen
t. The ob objective of this study was to determine the reliability of
a protocol for diagnosing ET. The protocol consists of a Tremor Interv
iew, a videotaped Tremor Examination, and a diagnostic algorithm. Eigh
ty-three subjects with ET, identified in a community-based health stud
y in Washington Heights-Inwood, New York, were matched with 83 control
subjects from the same community. These subjects and their relatives
are being recruited to participate in the Washington Heights-Inwood Ge
netic Study of ET. Two hundred twenty-six subjects have been evaluated
to date (35 ET cases, 40 controls, 151 relatives). All 226 underwent
an 84-item Tremor interview and 26-item videotaped Tremor Examination.
Diagnoses (normal, possible ET, probable ET, definite ET) were indepe
ndently assigned by two blinded neurologists specializing in movement
disorders. The kappa statistic, k, was used to determine diagnostic ag
reement between these two neurologists. The concordance rate between t
wo raters using diagnostic categories definite ET, probable ET, possib
le ET, and normal was 80%; k(w) = 0.84 (near perfect to perfect agreem
ent). The concordance rate between two raters using two diagnostic cat
egories (definite ET and normal) was 100%; k = 1.00 (perfect agreement
), There was high correlation between the two raters' total tremor sco
res (r = 0.89, p < 0.00001). This diagnostic protocol is highly reliab
le. Research in ET would greatly benefit from diagnostic protocols wit
h demonstrated reliability.