Ra. Richards et C. Esteves, STOCK-SPECIFIC VARIATION IN SCALE MORPHOLOGY OF ATLANTIC STRIPED BASS, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 126(6), 1997, pp. 908-918
We examined scales of wild striped bass Morone saxatilis to determine
whether scale morphology differs systematically among three Atlantic c
oast stocks and thus could be used for stock discrimination. Morpholog
ical variables investigated included Fourier coefficients, ratio shape
descriptors (circularity, rectangularity), truss networks, perimeter
landmarks, width and spacing of the first 10 circuli, and angular meas
urements of the scale interior, A variable was considered potentially
useful for stock identification if it could be corrected for size vari
ation, did not show year-class effects, and showed significant stock-o
f-origin effects in a multivariate analysis of variance. Fourier shape
descriptors, rectangularity, and angular measurements of the scale in
terior showed the greatest potential for discrimination of Atlantic st
riped bass stocks. In addition, circulus patterns showed some usefulne
ss. The remainder of the morphometric variables appeared less useful e
ither because of failure to meet statistical assumptions for size corr
ection (truss networks and perimeter landmarks), significant year-clas
s effects (circulus patterns), or a paucity of significant stock-of-or
igin effects (truss networks, circulus patterns, circularity). Relativ
ely few strong correlations (r greater than or equal to 0.70) were evi
dent among morphological variables of different types.