Dynamic typology clustering was employed to find homogeneous subgroups
of smokers within each of three early stages of change (precontemplat
ion, contemplation. preparation) in a representative sample of smokers
. Individual change profiles were created by coding the stage of chang
e for each subject at five consecutive assessment points over a 2-year
period (baseline and 6, 12, 18, and 24 months). A total of 446 unique
change profiles were found in the sample of 2,088 smokers who had com
plete data for all five time points. The sample was initially split in
to three groups determined by baseline stage of change. Within each in
itial stage, subgroups that shared similar patterns of change were int
erpreted by examining the shape and elevation of the change profiles.
Four major types of profiles emerged: a stable profile, a progressing
profile, a vacillating profile, and a regressing profile. External val
idation revealed significant differences among the dynamic typology su
btypes on key transtheoretical model constructs (processes of change,
decisional balance, situational temptations). These results both suppo
rt and complement key construct relationships within the transtheoreti
cal model and can provide important predictive information to direct a
nd enhance treatment interventions for smoking cessation. (C) 1998 Els
evier Science Ltd.