Dm. Schell et al., CARBON AND NITROGEN ISOTOPE RATIOS IN ZOOPLANKTON OF THE BERING, CHUKCHI AND BEAUFORT SEAS, Marine ecology. Progress series, 162, 1998, pp. 11-23
Zooplankton from the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas and a transect
across the Arctic Ocean were collected from 369 stations on 18 cruise
s in the years 1985-1990 and 1993-1995. Carbon and nitrogen isotope ra
tio analyses were performed on the major taxonomic groups present-cala
noid copepods, euphausiids and chaetognaths. The sampled waters around
Alaska were divided into 11 subregions based on water mass characteri
stics and the zooplankton statistically tested for significant differe
nces in the isotope ratios. Within all regions, copepods were signific
antly more depleted in C-13 than euphausiids (average delta(13)C diffe
rence for copepods = -1.1 parts per thousand than euphausiids), but sh
owed no significant differences from euphausiids in delta(15)N except
in the eastern Alaskan Beaufort Sea where copepods were relatively enr
iched in N-15. Th, greatest variability in isotope ratios was among ge
ographic regions. All taxa tested were C-13-depleted in the eastern Be
aufort Sea, the Arctic Ocean and in deep waters of the southwestern Be
ring Sea relative to the continental shelf waters of the Bering and Ch
ukchi seas. The maximum enrichments were found in the southwestern Chu
kchi Sea and central Bering Sea shelf waters. The advection of water n
orthward through the Bering Strait was evident as a plume of enriched
zooplankton extending to the shelf break in the Arctic Ocean. In contr
ast, the delta(15)N within taxa generally increased moving northward f
rom the deep Bering Sea to the Chukchi Sea and eastward into the Beauf
ort Sea. The delta(15)N values for chaetognaths were 2.5 to 3 parts pe
r thousand more enriched than copepods or euphausiids in all locations
, consistent nrith their carnivorous diet. Comparisons of zooplankton
isotope ratios among years and cruises within the same region revealed
no significant differences. Low delta(15)N and delta(13)C values in z
ooplankton of the pelagic Bering Sea are presumed to result from the i
sotopic discrimination arising in the presence of high nutrient abunda
nces and slow phytoplankton growth rates whereas depleted values in co
astal waters of the Canadian Beaufort Sea presumably derive from Macke
nzie River inputs of terrestrially derived carbon and nitrogenous nutr
ients with low N-15 and C-13 abundances. The geographic heterogeneity
in isotope ratios over short distances indicates a need for caution in
the interpretation of isotope ratios in marine mammals and birds with
regard to trophic status and habitat usage.