We show that two desirable properties for planar mesh refinement techn
iques are incompatible. Mesh refinement is a common technique for adap
tive error control in generating unstructured planar triangular meshes
for piecewise polynomial representations of data. Local refinements a
re modifications of the mesh that involve a fixed maximum amount of co
mputation, independent of the number of triangles in the mesh. Regular
meshes are meshes for which every interior vertex has degree 6. At le
ast for some simple model meshing problems, optimal meshes are known t
o be regular, hence it would be desirable to have a refinement techniq
ue that, if applied to a regular mesh, produced a larger regular mesh.
We call such a technique a regular refinement. In this paper, we prov
e that no refinement technique can be both local and regular. Our resu
lts also have implications for non-local refinement techniques such as
Delaunay insertion or Rivara's refinement.