Biometry of various organs of the male genital system in pigs was stud
ied in 4 normal piglets, 4 normal adults, 4 cryptorchid piglets, 4 cry
ptorchid adults and 90 castrated adults. The testis, epididymis, vesic
ular and bulbourethral glands were almost 1.5 to 2 times in dimensions
and 3 times in weights in normal adult pigs than in piglets. The pros
tate glands measured about the same in piglets and adults in length, b
readth and thickness, but were about 2 times in weight in adults (11.3
g). The penis measured 350 mm x 6 mm in piglets and 430 mm x 8 mm in
adults. In cryptorchid piglets, the testis and epididymis weighed ligh
ter than in their normal counterparts but linear dimensions had remain
ed practically unaffected. The vesicular and bulbourethral glands in c
ryptorchid piglets did not differ materially from their normal counter
parts. The prostate was significantly smaller. In the adult cryptorchi
ds measurements of different parts of genitalia did not vary materiall
y from those of piglet cryptorchids but were quite small than in norma
l adults. Penes were not only shorter in piglet aid adult cryptorchids
but also thinner in adult cryptorchids. In castrated adult pigs the v
esicular, prostate and bulbourethral glands were atrophied. The penes
were shorter and thinner (32 cm x 0.5 cm).