Individuals often fabricate socially appropriate reasons for rejecting
a request while withholding real but hurtful ones. Such, synthetic ob
stacles to compliance become conventionalized ways of turning down req
uests. However, when socially appropriate reasons are the genuine basi
s for refusal, rejecters desiring to comply must signal to the request
er that the reason is real rather than synthetic. We conducted an expe
riment to explore how rejecters of a dating request adapt their messag
es so as to convince the requester that they are interested in going o
ut with him or her but really cannot. Although most refusals contained
linguistic face-work devices, targets faced with conventional obstacl
es, and who wanted to pursue a relationship with the requester, expres
sed counteroffers and expressions of interest. Those wishing to avoid
future interaction relied on apologies, statements of appreciation for
the offer, and expressions of concern for the requester's feelings. I
mplications for both encoding and decoding refusal messages are discus