Gw. Burton et al., RESPONSE OF PENSACOLA BAHIAGRASS TO RATES OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS ANDPOTASSIUM FERTILIZERS, Proceedings - Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida, 56, 1997, pp. 31-35
There is little information to suggest the optimum fertilizer treatmen
t for Pensacola bahiagrass, Paspalum notatum var. sauri, a warm-season
perennial pasture grass that occupies 2.5 million ha in the southeast
ern USA. Objectives of this 3-yr study were 1) to establish the N, P,
and K requirements of three Pensacola bahiagrass entries planted on a
previously uncropped Clarendon loamy sand (Plinthaquic Paleudults), 2)
determine which of eight N-P-K fertilizer treatments could best satis
fy those needs, and 3) measure the effects of fertilization and treatm
ents on Mehlich-1 extractable P and K. Fertilizer interactions reveale
d that fertilizer response of all three entries was similar. Rates of
56, 112, 224 and 448 kg N ha(-1) produced average annual dry matter (D
M) yields of 6010, 8240, 11900 and 15 200 kg ha(-1). With N applied at
224 kg ha(-1), plots receiving N-P2O5-K2O ratios of 4-1-1, 4-1-2, 4-1
-3 and 4-2-4 did not differ in DM yield (P=0.05). Nitrogen concentrati
on in the DM increased from 10.6 to 17.0 g kg(-1) as fertilizer N incr
eased from 56 to 448 kg ha(-1). Phosphorus concentration in the DM rem
ained at 1.4 or 1.5 g kg(-1) until P2O5 was increased from 56 to 112 k
g ha(-1) and then increased to 1.7 or 1.8 g kg(-1). Increasing K2O rat
e from 56 to 112 kg ha(-1) increased K concentration in the DM from 14
.8 to 21.1 g kg(-1). Dry matter content in green forage decreased from
354 to 307 g kg(-1) (fresh-weight basis) as N increased from 56 to 44
8 kg ha(-1). Fertilizer rates had no effect on forage IVDMD. Fertiliza
tion increased Mehlich-1 extractable soil P in the surface 0.91 m abov
e values found in unfertilized plots which were not harvested. The inc
rease was significant where either N was limiting production or more t
han 56 kg P2O5 ha(-1) was applied each year. Mehlich-1 K in the profil
e decreased as production increased due to increased N application, un
less more than 100 kg K2O ha(-1) was applied yearly.