A three-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations of first
order has been proposed to describe the kinetics of a model tribopoly
merization process for which a linear coupling of the material surface
dislocation density and polyreaction fields is assumed. Another impor
tant physical motivation on which the model is based stresses the pred
ominant role of a highly rough surface under friction as a catalyst in
the polyreaction process. In consequence, the fractal-like chemical r
eaction concept has been applied. It is demonstrated that the system p
roposed is suitable for describing a variety of tribopolymerization pr
ocesses and possesses non-trivial time-dependent behaviour even in som
e limiting analytical cases studied. As a specific result, a nonlinear
equation generalizing the Vogel-Fulcher temperature-dependence of the
maximum time scale for the polyreaction caused by friction, character
istic of the selective transfer during friction process, has been reco
vered. Some comparison with an approach made earlier (G.P. Shpenkov, F
riction Surface Phenomena (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995) pp. 165-172 and
Ref. [239] therein) has been presented as well. Certain basic trends o
f modelling and experiment are in good agreement.