The role of surgery in the treatment ai: Stage I and II non-Hodgkin's
thyroid lymphoma (NHTL) is nest well defined, At our institution, we h
ave treated sever, patients (six women and one man) with NHTL during t
he past 6 years. Three patients (43%) had a prior history of thyroid d
isease, usually lymphocytic thyroiditis. Clinical symptoms included a
rapidly enlarging neck mass (86%), dysphagia (71%), dyspnea (71%), and
hoarseness (71%). Five patients (71%) had hypothyroidism; one patient
, hyperthyroidism; and one patient, normal thyroid function, Five pati
ents underwent fine-needle aspiration (FNA) at our institution. In thr
ee instances, FNA results were indicative of NHTL; the remaining FNA t
ests yielded no diagnosis. Surgical procedures were varied: incisional
biopsy (n = 4), limited tumor debulking with tracheostomy (n = 25, an
d thyroidectomy (n = 1). Each of the seven patients was found to have
large cell lymphoma. Treatment consisted Elf combination chemotherapy
with consolidative irradiation. All tumors dramatically decreased in s
ize soon after the initiation of therapy. One patient refused radiothe
rapy, All patients except one are still alive (median follow-up, 24 mo
nths), In conclusion, 1) a diagnosis of NHTL, although rare, should be
considered when patients have rapidly growing goiters; 2) FNA is a us
eful first step, in diagnosing NHTL; 3) NHTL is exquisitely sensitive
to both chemotherapy and radiation; 4) surgical intervention is genera
lly confined to incisional biopsy with occasional limited pretracheal
tumor debulking and 5) when a biopsy is obtained from a patient suspec
ted of having NHTL, immediate processing by the pathologist is recomme
nded so that material can be obtained for special studies as needed.