Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents one of the most common neopl
asms worldwide. To date, curative treatment options include liver tran
splantation or resection. Unfortunately, most patients are detected wi
th nonresectable or -transplantable HCC due to disease extension or co
morbid factors, and are therefore candidates only for palliative treat
ments. Palliative medical treatments, including systemic chemotherapy,
immunotherapy or hormonal manipulation, have a borderline activity on
HCC and cannot be recommended outside clinical trials. A high respons
e rate has been reported with local therapies such as transcatheter ar
terial embolisation, intra-arterial chemotherapy or percutaneous alcoh
ol (ethanol) injection, but as there is no clear evidence of a surviva
l advantage for these treatment modalities, further investigations are
required, Multidisciplinary treatment, including preoperative cytored
uction or postoperative adjuvant therapy, is currently under investiga
tion, with encouraging survival results, HCC patients should be evalua
ted within clinical trials, possibly randomised and with homogeneous p
rognostic factors, in order that we may find the answer to all these i
mportant questions.