The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between Ca2+ en
try through L-type Ca2+ channels and local [Ca2+](i) transients (Ca2sparks) in single rat cardiac ventricular cells. L-type Ca2+ channels
were activated by depolarization of cell-attached membrane patches, an
d [Ca2+](i) was measured simultaneously as fluo 3 fluorescence using l
aser scanning confocal microscopy. Patch depolarization with Ca2+ as t
he charge carrier (10 or 110 mmol.L-1) significantly-increased the pro
bability of the occurrence of Ca2+ sparks (Ca2+ spark rate) only in th
e volume of cytoplasm located immediately beneath the membrane patch (
basal Ca2+ spark rate, 119 Ca2+ sparks.cell(-1).s(-1); patch depolariz
ation Ca2+ spark rate, 610 Ca2+ sparks.cells(-1).s(-1); P<.005). With
Ba2+ in the pipette solution (10 mmol.L-1), patch depolarization was n
ot associated with an increased Ca2+ spark rate at the position of the
pipette or at any other sites distant from the pipette. Therefore, Ca
2+ entry and not voltage per se was a necessary event for the occurren
ce of Ca2+ sparks. Under identical experimental conditions, patch depo
larization experiments opened single L-type Ca2+ channels with a singl
e-channel conductance of 19 pS with Ba2+ as the charge carrier. Althou
gh single-channel openings could not be resolved when Ca2+ was the cha
rge carrier, ensemble averages yielded an inward current of up to 0.75
pA. The results suggest that voltage-activated Ca2+ entry through one
or a small number oil type Ca2+ channels triggers the release of Ca2 only from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in direct proximity to those L-t
ype Ca2+ channels. The relatively low probability of triggering Ca2+ s
parks may have resulted from some alteration of excitation-contraction
coupling associated with the technique of the cell-attached patch cla