Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) is being reintroduced into mult
imodality treatment protocols of patients with small-cell lung cancer
(SCLC). The history of its use brings interesting insights into clinic
al evaluations of treatment strategies and design of relevant and info
rmative trials. The critical issues of effectiveness and overall healt
h gains of prophylactic cranial irradiation have been addressed in a s
eries of recently completed clinical trials. These trials tested proph
ylactic cranial irradiation in small-cell lung cancer patients achievi
ng good response to induction therapy and confirmed the ability of sta
ndard prophylactic cranial irradiation schedules to significantly redu
ce the lifetime risk of brain metastases. A subset of these trials eva
luated neurotoxicity in a formal and prospective manner. No sustained
or significant detriment in neuropsychometric function could be linked
to the use of prophylactic cranial irradiation. In addition, all the
large trials have shown a consistent survival advantage in favor of th
e prophylactic cranial irradiation arm. None of the individual sample
sizes were large enough to statistically confirm this survival benefit
, but a meta-analysis is in progress and will report on this aspect of
evidence shortly. Issues that remain to be answered are the optimal d
ose and schedule of prophylactic cranial irradiation as well as the ti
ming of this administration. These questions form the nucleus of the n
ext generation of collaborative trials that are being designed.