Increasing evidence suggests that oxidative damage to proteins and oth
er macromolecules is a salient feature of the pathology of Alzheimer's
disease. Establishing the source of oxidants is key to understanding
what role they play in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, and on
e way to examine this issue is to determine which oxidants are involve
d in damage. In this study, we examine whether peroxynitrite, a powerf
ul oxidant produced from the reaction of superoxide with nitric oxide,
is involved in Alzheimer's disease. Peroxynitrite is a source of hydr
oxyl radical-like reactivity, and it directly oxidizes proteins and ot
her macromolecules with resultant carbonyl formation from side-chain a
nd peptide-bond cleavage. Although carbonyl formation is a major oxida
tive modification induced by peroxynitrite, nitration of tyrosine resi
dues is an indicator of peroxynitrite involvement. In brain tissue fro
m cases of Alzheimer's disease, we found increased protein nitration i
n neurons, including but certainly not restricted to those containing
neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). Conversely, nitrotyrosine was undetect
able in the cerebral cortex of age-matched control brains. This distri
bution is essentially identical to that of free carbonyls. These findi
ngs provide strong evidence that peroxynitrite is involved in oxidativ
e damage of Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, the widespread occurrence o
f nitrotyrosine in neurons suggests that oxidative damage is not restr
icted to long-lived polymers such as NFTs, but instead reflects a gene
ralized oxidative stress that is important in disease pathogenesis.