If instead of the full motion field, we consider only the direction of
the motion field due to a rigid motion, what can we say about the thr
ee-dimensional motion information contained in it? This paper provides
a geometric analysis of this question based solely on the constraint
that the depth of the surfaces in view is positive. The motivation beh
ind this analysis is to provide a theoretical foundation for image con
straints employing only the sign of flow in various directions and jus
tify their utilization for addressing 3D dynamic vision problems. It i
s shown that, considering as the imaging surface the whole sphere, ind
ependently of the scene in view, two different rigid motions cannot gi
ve rise to the same directional motion field. If we restrict the image
to half of a sphere (or an infinitely large image plane) two differen
t rigid motions with instantaneous translational and rotational veloci
ties (t(1), omega(1)) and (t(2), omega(2)) cannot give rise to the sam
e directional motion field unless the plane through t(1) and t(2) is p
erpendicular to the plane through omega(1) and omega(2) (i.e., (t(1) x
t(2)) . (omega(1) x omega(2)) = 0). In addition, in order to give pra
ctical significance to these uniqueness results for the case of a limi
ted field of view, we also characterize the locations on the image whe
re the motion vectors due to the different motions must have different
directions. If (omega(1) x omega(2)) . (t(1) x t(2)) = 0 and certain
additional constraints are met, then the two rigid motions could produ
ce motion fields with the same direction. For this to happen the depth
of each corresponding surface has to be within a certain range, defin
ed by a second and a third order surface. Similar more restrictive con
straints are obtained for the case of multiple motions. Consequently,
directions of motion fields are hardly ever ambiguous. A byproduct of
the analysis is that full motion fields are never ambiguous with a hal
f sphere as the imaging surface.