Delta islands in the Atchafalaya and Wax Lake deltas in Atchafalaya Ba
y, Louisiana, are in an extremely dynamic successional phase. These is
lands initially supported large marshes dominated by the pioneering pl
ant species Sagittaria latifolia and Sagittaria platyphylla. A general
decrease in vegetated areas has occurred in the delta island marshes
in the Atchafalaya Delta since about 1980, while in the Wax Lake Delta
portion of the complex the vegetation still flourished. The Atchafala
ya Delta provides an interesting setting for the study of herbivory be
cause of the complex interaction of biotic and physical factors operat
ing in this delta. We hypothesized that grazing by herbivores has a ma
rked effect on vegetation in these developing marshes. To test this hy
pothesis, exclosures were erected on islands in both deltas in Septemb
er 1985 and January 1986. Each set of exclosure treatments included an
openly-grazed control area, an ungrazed area, an area allowing nutria
grazing, and one allowing waterfowl grazing in each site. Results of
the experiment, based on field sampling of vegetation, indicated decre
ases in plant biomass and changes in plant species composition in graz
ed treatments. Waterfowl and nutria reduced biomass about equally, but
there was a more marked effect in the openly grazed areas. These find
ings may be extrapolated to sediment diversion areas along the Mississ
ippi River.