Immune responses elicited by allergic reactions and parasitic worm inf
ections are characterised by the induction of T helper 2 (Th2) cells,
These cells secrete cytokines such as interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5 and I
L-13, which induce the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) and eosino
phils [1,2], Previous studies using gastrointestinal nematodes to eluc
idate the role of Th2-cell-mediated immune responses have demonstrated
a causal relationship between T cells and worm expulsion (reviewed in
[3]). Although it has been proposed that IL-4 played a central role i
n these responses, recent studies demonstrated that IL-4(-/-) mice exp
el the parasitic gastrointestinal nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensi
s normally [4], suggesting that another T-cell mediator is required fo
r efficient worm clearance, Using IL-13(-/-) mice, we have demonstrate
d that, unlike wild-type and IL-4(-/-) mice, the IL-13(-/-) animals fa
iled to clear N. brasiliensis infections efficiently, despite developi
ng a robust Th2-like cytokine response to infection, Furthermore, trea
tment of the IL-13(-/-) mice with exogenous IL-13 resulted in a reduct
ion in the numbers of worms recovered, The IL-13(-/-) animals also fai
led to generate the goblet cell hyperplasia that normally occurs coinc
ident with worm expulsion, This observation may link IL-13 with the pr
oduction of intestinal mucus which is believed to facilitate worm expu
lsion, These data support a unique role for IL-13 in Th2-cell-mediated
immune responses and demonstrate that IL-13 and IL-4 are not redundan
t. (C) Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0960-9822.