Using computer-mediated joystick manipulation, the ability of a common
chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) to select arrays of items equal to a giv
en target number was examined. A random dot condition was included in
which all sequence cues were eliminated as a means to reach the target
numbers 1 to 4. The participant, Austin, had only the quantity of ite
ms already selected as a record of how high the count had progressed.
Performance on the random dot trials was found to be significantly abo
ve chance and improvement over time was also statistically significant
. Results of this experiment provide evidence that Austin behaved with
a knowledge that the quantity of items selected was the objective of
the task rather than adhering rigidly to any specific pattern of selec
tion. The results indicate that Austin had the ability to discriminate
the number of items needed to reach the target number and then select
items individually to reach that target quantity.