We have constructed a physical map of the human genome by using a pane
l of 83 whole genome radiation hybrids (the Stanford G3 panel) in conj
unction with 10,478 sequence-tagged sites (STSs) derived from random g
enomic DNA sequences, previously mapped genetic markers, and expressed
sequences. Of these STSs, 5049 are framework markers that fall into 1
766 high-confidence bins. An additional 945 STSs are indistinguishable
in their map location from one or more of the framework markers. Thes
e 5994 mapped STSs have an average spacing of 500 kb. An additional 44
84 STSs are positioned with respect to the framework markets. Comparis
on of the orders of markers oil this map with orders derived fi-om ind
ependent meiotic and YAC STS-content maps indicates that the error rar
e in defining high-confidence bins is <5%. Analysis of 322 random cDNA
s indicates that the map covers the vast majority of the human genome.
This STS-based radiation hybrid map of the human genome brings us one
step closer to the goal of a physical map containing 30,000 unique or
dered landmarks with an average marker spacing of 100 kb.