An analysis was carried out to predict the forced response of the equi
valent circuit of an innovative superconducting fault current limiter
(FCL), The FCE employs two superconducting coils with differing critic
al currents wound noninductively. The analysis shows that to reduce th
e voltage drop under normal operating conditions, the coupling coeffic
ient should be kept fairly high (k > 0.90), For a given coil configura
tion (omega L = constant), the limiting capability of the device incre
ases with the resistance R of the trigger coil up to a certain value o
f R, then further increase in R changes very little the limiting capab
ility of the FCL. However, further increase in R can reduce the heat g
eneration rate in the device which will help alleviate the problem of
relatively long recovery time. The fault current predicted from estima
ted values of R compares fairly well with results of an experiment rep
orted in the Literature, The discrepancy between the predicted and mea
sured current is due mainly to the uncertainty In the estimated resist
ance R, because both the purity of Cn and the percentage of Cu in CuNi
are neat known. By varying the ratio of NbTi-Cu-CuNi in the matrix, t
he purity of Co, and the percentage of Cn in CuNi various values of R,
can be achieved, which should help to alleviate the problem off exces
sive Joule heating and recovery time.