The authors work for several years with parents of schizophrenic adult
patients mho are motivated for psychotherapy for themselves. The trea
tment of these patients is rooted in the experience that the psychothe
rapy of schizophrenic patients is often hindered by the still maintain
ed unconscious pathological symbiosis between mother and child or fath
er and child or primary group and child. Central themes of the therape
utic work are: separation and the break off the separation process, th
e separation from the internalized symbiosis with the primary group, m
e separation from the irreality of dream-like acting our towards the r
eal life with own responsibility. The psychodynamics of these ''parent
-patients'' show often the extreme extent of confusion, unconscious id
entifications and fusions with their schizophrenic children. If the ''
parent-patients'' succeed in stepping off their internalized symbiosis
(with their own parents), it is possible that consequently their schi
zophrenic children - often dramatically arrested in pathology - develo
p steps towards an own identity.