High resolution magic angle spinning (MAS) H-1 nuclear magnetic resona
nce (NMR) spectra of whole pieces of human prostatic tissue (<40 mg pe
r sample) from patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH and mal
ignant tumours have been obtained and compared with high resolution NM
R solution state spectra obtained via a standard tissue extraction met
hod, Well resolved MAS-NMR spectra of the tissue samples were obtained
in which both cytosolic and membrane-related compounds could be ident
ified, Two-dimensional H-1 MAS-NMR measurements, including J-resolved
and shift correlation spectra, were also obtained to allow metabolite
signal assignment, In all cases high quality spectra were obtained tha
t were rich in bioanalytical information on a wide range of intracellu
lar metabolites and lipids, Marked differences were observed between M
AS spectra from tumours versus BPH tissue, particularly in the lipid s
ignals, which were much more intense in tumours, This was in contrast
to the protein-free extracts of the same samples which shelved much mo
re similar NMR profiles for the two disease classes, These data indica
te that MAS-NMR spectra of intact tissue biopsy samples give a wider r
ange of bioanalytical information on small and large molecules than co
nventional, more labour intensive cell extraction procedures, and this
strengthens the case for the use of MAS-NMR in clinical diagnostics.