The best conditions for rapid baseline stabilization, a stable baselin
e, and precise measurements of the retention volumes and average molec
ular weight of polystyrene(PS) were studied. It was assumed that a sta
ble baseline could be obtained by keeping the temperature difference b
etween both sides of a refractive index(RI) detector cell, reference a
nd sample, constant. Under this assumption, the best combination of th
e temperatures of the column, RI cell, room, and mobile phase were exa
mined. The adjustment of the temperatures of the column, mobile phase
and RI cell to room temperature, for example 25 degrees C was the best
for the stability of the baseline. This temperature condition made it
possible to shorten the time to attain a stable baseline. The time re
quired to stabilize the baseline was 40 minutes, and the baseline fluc
tuation was 2.2 x 10(-7) RIU/h. The second appropriate condition was k
eeping the temperatures of the column and RI at 40 degrees C and those
of the room and the mobile phase at 25 degrees C. Adjusting the tempe
ratures of the column and RI to room temperature tvas required if the
temperature of the mobile phase was not controlled.