The ability of purified human neutrophil elastase (EC to cl
eave native type I collagen has been investigated. Soluble human, bovi
ne or rat type I collagen was incubated with neutrophil elastase for 1
6 h at 25 degrees C before catalysis was stopped with 3,4-dichloroisoc
oumarin. Analysis by SDS/PAGE of the collagen digests revealed 3/4-len
gth fragments similar in size to those produced by interstitial collag
enase. The collagenolytic activity was dose dependent and was not due
to a contaminating metalloproteinase or cysteine proteinase, as it was
not inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline, EDTA or ans-epoxysuccinyl-leucy
lamido-(4-guanidino)butane. The identity of the cleavage products was
confirmed using a new antibody that recognizes the unwound alpha 2(I)-
chain. This detected the 3/4-length fragment of type I collagen follow
ing neutrophil elastase cleavage. In addition to cleaving soluble coll
agen, neutrophil elastase also cleaved reconstituted, radiolabelled ty
pe I collagen fibrils, at a rate of 16 mu g/min per nmol. These result
s indicate that neutrophil elastase can cleave native type I collagen
in the helix, an activity that might contribute to its roles in connec
tive-tissue pathology.