The diamondiferous Drybones Bay kimberlite pipe is the largest pipe (9
00 m by 400 m) discovered to dare in the Northwest Territories. The pi
pe intrudes granodiorite of the Archean age Defeat Pluton and contains
crater, reworked crater (epiclastic) and diatreme facies kimberlite.
In-situ measurements of seismic p-wave velocity were recorded with in-
line refraction arrays over representative areas. Refractions from fre
sh kimberlite were recorded over epiclastic facies kimberlite in the e
astern portion of the pipe and returned an average velocity of 4300 m/
s, Refractions from weathered kimberlite were recorded on all lines an
d returned velocities ranging from 1900 m/s to 2200 m/s. Granite surro
unding the pipe returned an average velocity of 5400 m/s. The results
indicate that there is a definite contrast in seismic velocities betwe
en kimberlite and country rocks at Drybones Bay and suggest that seism
ic refraction surveys may be an effective means of screening kimberlit
e targets in glaciated areas underlain by igneous or metamorphic rocks