The role of nitric oxide (NO) in activation of cGMP is well establishe
d It has been proposed that the ratio of cAMP to cGMP may be important
in the regulation of preimplantation embryonic growth and differentia
tion. Therefore, we determined the ability of murine preimplantation e
mbryos to produce NO. In addition, NO as an endogenous smooth muscle r
elaxant and vasodilator is a candidate for involvement in embryo impla
ntation because this process requires increased vascular permeability
and uterine quiescence at the sites of blastocyst apposition. Nitrite
assays, an indirect measure of NO production, indicate that preimplant
ation murine embryos produce NO. This production was reversibly inhibi
ted by culture of embryos in medium containing a nonspecific NO syntha
se (NOS) inhibitor (N-G-nitro-L-arginine). Additionally, inhibition of
normal development was observed in embryos cultured with NOS inhibito
r. NO levels increased in culture medium when ovariectomized progester
one-treated animals were exposed to estrogen for 1 h in utero. Such ho
rmonal treatment induces implantation. These data indicate that NO lev
els are regulated by estrogen and may be important in regulation of im
plantation. In addition, these data demonstrate for the first time tha
t NO production appears to be required for normal embryonic developmen