Two main petrographic varieties of the Smoky Butte rocks (olivine-arma
lcolite-phlogopite hyalolamproite and phlogopite-sanidine lamproite) h
ave been studied by thermobarogeochemical methods. Thermometric invest
igations have showed that primary melt inclusions in olivine are homog
enized at T > 1250 degrees C, apatite-hosted inclusions - at 1220-1230
degrees C, diopside-hosted inclusions - at 1160-1205 degrees C, and p
hlogopite-hosted ones - at 1085-1210 degrees C. Trapping pressure of i
nclusions during crystallization of olivine-2 does not exceed 2 kb. Th
e phase composition of inclusions in these minerals is glass + gas bub
ble + daughter crystals. In some inclusions, gas bubble is partially o
r fully filled by salt phases (Ca-carbonate and others). According to
microprobe data, high contents of SiO2 (60-70 wt.%), Al2O3, (10-13 wt.
%), alkalis (9-12 wt.%), BaO (0.7-1.9 wt.%), ZrO2 and F (up to 0.5 wt.
%), and moderate contents of TiO2 (2.5-4.5 wt.%) and other femic compo
nents (< 6 wt.%) are common of the residual glasses of silicate-melt i
nclusions in minerals. They compositionally differ in the major elemen
t contents from the rocks. In general, during crystallization of the S
moky Butte lamproites, primitive mantle-derived magma gradually evolve
d towards strong agpaitic compositions rich In SiO2, alkalis, FeO, BaO
, TiO2, ZrO2 and poor in Al2O3, CaO, MgO, P2O5. Fluid (or salt melt) w
as gradually enriched in CO2 and, possibl,in SO3. Such melt evolution
peculiarities favored the appearance of K-Ti-richterite, K-magnesioarf
vedsonite, davanite, carbonates, and barite at the latest stages. In a
ddition to silicate-melt inclusions, Al-spinel, fresh leucite and sulf
ides (pentlandite, probably, Ni-rich monosulfide solid solution, viola
rite, chalcopyrite, pyrite) were firstly found in the Smoky Butte lamp
roites, New data on geochemistry of the rocks and chemistry of main ro
ck-forming minerals are also given for this lamproite locality.