An ideal TTT diagram of a steel with given compositions is unique and
independent of cooling path. To clarify the existence of such ideal TT
T diagrams in two C-Mn steels, three models were first examined to ver
ify if they can precisely predict the experimental data of TTT and CCT
diagrams, then numerical methods were developed to derive ideal TTT d
iagrams from experimental TTT and CCT diagrams and vice versa. It was
found that the ideal TTT diagrams derived from different cooling proce
sses were not identical, but the discrepancy was smaller in the steel
possessing higher Mn content. When the ideal TTT diagram was used to p
redict TTT or CCT diagrams by applying additivity rule, the agreement
between prediction and experiment was largely dependent on the cooling
method used to derive the ideal TTT diagram, but the influence of coo
ling path became small in the high hin steel. The results suggested th
at a unique ideal TTT diagram does not exist in the low Mn steel, but
may exist in the high Mn steel.