Background. With the introduction of a new immunoradiometric assay bas
ed on two monoclonal antibodies (Tandem(R)-Ostase, Hybritech) the dete
rmination of bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) to evaluate bone metaboli
sm in chronic renal failure has become easier and more valid. Subjects
and methods. Using this test we investigated BAP in a total of 90 pae
diatric patients, 42 (9.2 +/- 5.5 years) with chronic renal failure on
conservative treatment, 22 (9.5 +/- 5.4 years) under chronic dialysis
, and 26 (16.2 +/- 5.9 years) after renal transplantation, compared to
203 controls (10.1 +/- 5.7 years). Results. The physiological age dep
endency found in controls including two peaks during infancy and puber
ty was distinctly disturbed in chronic renal failure. However, in pati
ents BAP significantly correlated with height velocity rather reflecti
ng the last 6 (r = 0.56 P < 0.001) than the last 12 months. Although B
AP correlated well with total alkaline phosphatase (TAP; r = 0.95 P <
0.001), a significant correlation with the serum level of the intact p
arathyroid hormone could only be detected for BAP (r = 0.45 P < 0.001)
but not for TAP (r = 0.19 n.s.). Furthermore, BAP positively correlat
ed with trabecular (n = 40; r = 0.40 P < 0.05) and inversely with cort
ical bone density (n = 19; r = -0.58 P < 0.01) but no relationship was
found with conventional X-ray. Conclusion. BAP determined by the new
radioimmunoassay seems to represent an additional diagnostic tool to a
ssess growth and bone turnover in paediatric patients with chronic ren
al failure that is complementary to the information provided by X-ray
and total alkaline phosphatase.