Background: The infiltration of venous blood vessels in gallbladder ca
rcinoma and its importance as a prognostic factor has not been well st
udied. Victoria blue stain has been used to identify vascular involvem
ent in gastric and thyroidal carcinomas. Aim: To assess blood vessel i
nfiltration using Victoria blue stain in gallbladder carcinomas. Mater
ial and methods: One hundred forty eight samples of gallbladder carcin
oma, coming from 24 men and 123 women aged 60.4 +/- 12.2 years old, we
re studied. They were stained with Victoria blue stain to quantify blo
od vessel invasion. Results: Twenty nine percent of tumors had blood v
essel infiltration, 61% had lymph vessel and 20% had perineural infilt
ration. Lymph vessel or perineural involvement was found in 81% and 31
% of those tumors with blood vessel infiltration, respectively. Perine
ural infiltration was associated with lymph or vascular involvement in
93 and 40% of tumors, respectively. None of the early carcinomas had
blood vessel infiltration, whereas 33% of advanced tumors had this typ
e of infiltration (p< 0.001). No differences in vascular infiltration
were observed according to the differentiation of the tumor. Conclusio
ns: Blood vessel infiltration was observed only in advanced gallbladde
r carcinomas and was tightly related to the degree of gallbladder wall
infiltration. The presence of perineural infiltration was the best ma
rker of lymph or blood vessel infiltration.