Two different aspects of the effects of turbulent mixing on eggs and f
ish larvae are considered here. In the first topic the effects of phys
ical processes on the vertical distribution of the eggs are considered
. The physical processes which determine the vertical distribution of
fish eggs, and all other immobile plankton, are the buoyancy of the pl
ankton and the vertical mixing of the water column. Analytical models
are presented to demonstrate the influence of the various terms. A num
erical model is also applied to show the effects of non-stationary sol
utions. The model results are compared with field measurements. In the
second topic the effects of turbulence on plankton encounter rates ar
e considered. The processes are illustrated by field data on first-fee
ding cod larvae feeding on Calanus nauplii. These field data show that
wind-induced turbulence strongly enhances the feeding rate of the lar
vae. For first-feeding cod larvae the feeding rate increases by a fact
or of about 7 when the wind speed increases from 2 m s(-1) to 10 m s(-
1). Model simulations show how the influence of turbulence-enhanced en
counter rate decreases as the larvae grow, increase their swimming spe
ed and switch to larger prey of lower concentration. The simulations s
how that the turbulence-induced encounter rare decreases exponentially
as cod grow, but significantly influences feeding until the stage of
2 months old juveniles.