High-power pulsed microwave fluences interact with aqueous solutions i
n a complex way. The incident energy partitions into direct heating (g
enerally on the side facing the source) and an acoustic wave transient
(the so-called microwave acoustic effect) which may dissipate thermal
energy differently based on absorber geometry and acoustic wave inter
ference. Iu a search for chemiluminescent (imaging) dosimeters suitabl
e for distinguishing direct heating and acoustic wave phenomena, we fo
und that dilute solutions of diazotized luminol produce a reliable 200
-fold luminescence increase above the quiescent condition when 115 mi
of the solution is subjected to 62 W of 20-kHz acoustic energy. The co
ntrast ratio (irradiated to quiescent) is markedly diminished and irre
producibility is introduced if carbon dioxide is not thoroughly exclud
ed from the dosimeter solution by bubbling with nitrogen gas before us
e. Dissolved carbon dioxide acts mainly to increase quiescent thermoch
emiluminescence. The ratio is largest if the dosimeter solution is chi
lled to 0 degrees C. The contrast ratio is pH dependent and maximum be
tween pH 7 and 7.5, and sonochemiluminescence generated in this manner
fades with a time constant of about 0.5 s when the irradiation is sto
pped. The light output from this dosimeter is well above the sonolumin
escence produced in pure water under the same irradiation conditions.
(C) 1998 Academic Press.