Carrier-polarization scattering (off-diagonal dephasing) was shown to
be indispensable for a correct description of the dephasing-processes
in a laser excited semiconductor. We demonstrate that a correct descri
ption of the exciton which undergoes only a weak shift with increasing
excitation up to the Mott transition requires also the consideration
of the corresponding real parts of the scattering integrals. Particula
rly for low temperatures the observed weak blue shift of the exciton i
n ZnSe, which is in contradiction to the prediction of a. theory with
simple static screening approximation. can be explained. Including spa
tial dispersion of the exciton propagation effects of a probe pulse (p
olariton beats) are in investigated. With our results for the Mott tra
nsition of tile exciton we are able to describe tile experimentally ob
served vanishing of polariton beats with increasing number of carriers
generated by a preceding pump pulse.