A density operator approach to generalized semiconductor Bloch equatio
ns (SBE) for one-time observables which includes carrier-carrier scatt
ering effects is presented. The theoretical concept is based upon the
quantum generalization of the BBGKY hierarchy for the reduced density
operators. Tile advantage of our method is its simplicity and transpar
ence - to a large extent. derivations and physical approximations call
be pel formed on the simplest level possible. that of a one-component
system of spinless particles. We discuss various approximations for t
ile incoherent terms in the Bloch equations which are related to carri
er-carrier correlations, such as strong: coupling effects and tile bui
ld-up of dynamical screening as well as self-energy effects. As a resu
lt we obtain non-Markovian generalizations of the SBE.