V. Borovikov et al., PROPOSAL OF SUPERCONDUCTING 7 TESLA WIGGLER FOR LSU-CAMD, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 405(2-3), 1998, pp. 208-213
The superconducting 7 Tesla wiggler is destined for the Center for Adv
anced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD), Louisiana State University (
LSU), USA. The wiggler contract was awarded to the Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics (Budker INP) in the open tender in May 1996 and the w
iggler will be installed in the CAMD site in December of 1997. The wig
gler is a three pole superconducting magnet with maximum field of 7 T
in central pole and the side poles field of 1.65 T. The wiggler is ins
erted into a special liquid helium cryostat. The main distinction of t
his wiggler from others is that the horizontal orbit deviation at the
maximum field of the wiggler central pole is equal to zero due to the
special orbit compensation at any level of wiggler field. Such compens
ation is realized by two conventional correcting magnet located at the
both ends of the wiggler straight section. Characteristics of the mag
netic system, helium cryostat and radiation properties of the wiggler
are described in this article.