Ng. Gavrilov et al., THE ROTATION STAGE WITH A FLEXIBLE ANGULAR STEP FROM 0.04''-TO-0.2'' WITH TENSE FRICTION WAVE TRANSMISSION - THEORY AND TEST OF THE PROTOTYPE, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 405(2-3), 1998, pp. 323-325
The development of experiments using the synchrotron radiation (SR), a
s well as the progress in new technologies, free electron laser (FEL),
etc. give rise to the need in the device providing angular or linear
transposition, both highly precisive and reliably operating in an ultr
ahigh vacuum. The only reliable drive for the transpositions with a ve
ry small pitch (0.1...0.01 mu m) is piezoceramics. Mechanical transmis
sions, excluding the friction wave one, cannot provide small transposi
tions for some reasons, limiting the possibilities of mechanical trans
missions. The deviation of the dimensions in the production of frictio
n wave transmissions are inevitable, which causes large errors in the
transmission ratio. A new transmission, ''tense transmission'' is prop
osed in the present work. The principle of its operation is considered
for the ''tense friction wave transmission'' as an example [1].