The course of latex sensitization is rarely documented, and only a few
reports about the influence of prophylaxis in the occupational enviro
nment have been published concerning health care workers. Therefore we
did a follow-up study in the high risk group of patients with spina b
ifida and evaluated the efficacy of latex prophylaxis. For this purpos
e we measured IgE antibodies (FEIA) against latex and inhalative aller
gens in the sera of 67 patients with spina bifida and reevaluated them
0.6 to 4.1 years later, having instructed the patients about prophyla
ctic measures and established a latex-free environment for surgery of
all spina bifida patients in our hospital. 37% of the patients did not
develop latex antibodies during the follow-up period, 27% showed decr
easing levels of antibodies (12% to non-detectable levels), 19% had an
increase in latex sensitization (6% newly sensitized), and 9% showed
no change in levels of latex antibodies. From our data it may be concl
uded that surgery without strict latex prophylaxis is the main cause o
f new sensitization and worsening of preexisting latex antibody levels
. Mild sensitization can be reduced by prophylactic measurements to no
n-detectable antibody levels. With consistent prophylaxis, even sympto
matic patients can be operated without risk of allergic complications
or increasing antibodies.