Crop establishment is a major concern for producers who grow legumes o
n sandy soils. This study was conducted on a Verndale sandy loam (coar
se-loamy, mired Udic Argiboroll) to evaluate the impact of five method
s of establishment on the production of four legumes (alfalfa [Medicag
o saliva L.], birdsfoot trefoil [Lotus corniculatus L.], cicer milkvet
ch [Astragalus cicer L.], red clover [Trifolium pratense L.]). Methods
varied from the use of a clean, prepared seedbed to no-till seeding i
nto small grain stubble. The study was initiated in 1991 and repeated
in 1992. Yields from spring seedings were measured in the year of esta
blishment. Dry matter yields were also measured for two residual years
following establishment. Stand counts were taken in the fall of 1992.
Yields of all legumes measured in the year of establishment were gene
rally higher when there was no competition from a companion crop. In g
eneral, yields of alfalfa and red clover were equal but higher than yi
elds of birdsfoot trefoil and cicer milkvetch when all establishment m
ethods are considered. Stand counts showed that all establishment meth
ods produced an acceptable stand of all legumes. Measured stand, howev
er, was not directly related to forage yield. The results of this stud
y show that there are several methods that can be used to successfully
establish legumes on sandy soils. Choices for individual forage produ
cers will be highly dependent on erosion potential and crops grown for
the total farming system.