1. This paper documents the results of the first 4 years of an experim
ent which has involved frequent applications of ammonium sulphate with
in a 1-km(2) tract of nitrogen-poor dry heathland in southern England.
Experimental additions of ammonium sulphate at deposition rates of 7.
7 and 15.4 kg ha(-1) year(-1) of N plus background deposition give tot
al nitrogen deposition rates similar to the critical load suggested fo
r the conversion of dry heathland to grassland. By investigating long-
term biological and chemical changes in the experimental system it was
hoped to determine whether the proposed critical loads are soundly ba
sed. 2. Despite an increase in shoot nitrogen content of Calluna vulga
ris following only 1 year's addition of ammonium sulphate at a rate of
7.7 kg ha(-1) of N, no statistically significant effects were found i
n the subsequent 3 years. However, upward trends in shoot nitrogen fro
m the control to the high-nitrogen treatments were apparent in the thi
rd and fourth years of the experiment. 3. Application of ammonium sulp
hate at rates of 7.7 and 15.4 kg ha(-1) year(-1) of N resulted in sign
ificant stimulations in shoot growth, flowering and litter production
from the second year of the experiment onwards. However, given the low
nitrogen status of the experimental site, the positive effects demons
trated in this study may not be wholly typical of responses which may
be expected in heathlands of higher nitrogen status. 4. Continuation o
f the experiment is necessary to cover a greater part of the life cycl
e of Calluna in order to investigate how continued nitrogen inputs mod
ify responses to natural stresses, and ultimately to determine the val
idity of the critical load suggested for dry heathlands.