K. Abbas et al., USE OF MINIATURE CDZNTE X GAMMA DETECTOR IN NUCLEAR SAFEGUARDS - CHARACTERIZATION OF SPENT NUCLEAR-FUEL AND URANIUM ENRICHMENT DETERMINATION/, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 405(1), 1998, pp. 153-158
The feasibility to perform X/gamma-ray spectroscopy, on spent nuclear
fuel and uranium solution and pellets, using a Peltier-cooled CdZnTe c
rystal (9 mm(2) sensitive area, 2 mm thickness) coupled with a dedicat
ed preamplifier and amplifier has been studied. In the case of spent f
uel, an energy resolution of 5.6 keV at 662 keV is achieved and charac
terisation of the fuel in terms of burnup and cooling time performed.
The good energy resolution at low energies (1.9 keV at 122 keV) has al
lowed application of the URADOS code which, on the basis of the uraniu
m XKalpha-rays, determined the U-235 enrichment in the uranium solutio
ns and pellets within 10% of that declared. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science
B.V. All rights reserved.