The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of a proble
m-solving model among teachers involved in an alternative in-service f
ormat. Thirteen teachers participated in a year-long in-service progra
m that included: a preprogram on the instructional methodology; implem
entation of the instructional methodology; follow-up meetings that add
ressed participants' questions; and visits to a classroom demonstratin
g the instructional methodology. Twelve participants attended the demo
nstration classroom, and seven participants enacted problem-solving le
ssons prior to and following their observation of the demonstration te
acher implementing the problem-solving model in the classroom. Depende
nt t tests were used to analyze the eight categories contained in a sc
ale developed to assess implementation of the problem-solving model. R
esults indicate that participating teachers significantly changed in t
he time students spent in cooperative groups, having students working
cooperatively, students actively participating in problem solving, and
students generating their own problems and plans. The role the teache
r took in the class also significantly changed. Seeing another teacher
use the in-service methodology may have assisted in-service participa
nts in their implementation of the problem-solving model. (C) 1998 Joh
n Wiley & Sons, Inc.