While the (001) oriented substrate of compound semiconductors are most
commonly used in fabrication of wireless and opto-electronic devices
by molecular beam epitaxy, metallorganic chemical vapor deposition and
related techniques, their surface structures have been puzzling from
the beginning of the development of the techniques with which these ma
terials are artificially prepared. This paper reviews the advances in
comprehensive understanding of the geometric and electronic structures
and chemical properties of the principal reconstructions found on the
(001) surface of III-V compound semiconductors including arsenides, s
uch as GaAs, InAs and AlAs, phosphides, such as GaP and InP, antimonid
es, such as GaSb, AlSb and InSb, and also nitrides (GaN), with the emp
hasis on the GaAs(001), during the first decade following the inventio
n of scanning tunneling microscopy.